Depressed? Anxious? Stressed? Here is Courtenay Turner’s Antidote

Depressed? Anxious? Stressed? Here is Courtenay Turner’s Antidote

Did you know that depression, anxiety, and stress are major causes of fall-downs in life? Chief among them being stress? That is right! Long-term stress can cause serious health problems such as anxiety and depression. But how can we manage the stress affecting millions of people’s emotions, way of thinking, and behaviors? First, you need to identify its symptoms. This step will help you control your stress and heal from depression and anxiety.  Courtenay Turner is one of those who suffered from anxiety, stress, and depression but overcame them. These problems resulted from being born with congenital rubella, which led to many health problems, including heart complications, unilateral blindness, bilateral hearing impairment, and hypotonia.  Fortunately, she spent most of her life prospecting the human psyche via academic pursuits while turning…
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Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Health Coach

Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Health Coach

For many people becoming a nurse is not about the money or prestige - in fact, it is a profession that is known for long hours - and low remuneration. However - it called be called a calling rather than a profession. Registered nurses know about the sacrifices that they must make in order to follow their chosen profession. However, that being said many nurses are becoming increasingly disillusioned with what they see as the blinkered focus of Western medicine on treating symptoms - rather than taking a holistic view of human beings. After all, people consist of more than just blood, bones, nerves sinew, and muscle. They are complex. They have physical and mental needs, as well as relationships, and spiritual aspects. The lack of focus on people as…
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Holistic Nursing at The Nurse Coach Collective

Holistic Nursing at The Nurse Coach Collective

Experienced and well-qualified nurses are highly sought after. Not just by hospitals, but by individual clients as well. When choosing nursing as a career, many tend to go the traditional path. Instead, learning about holistic nursing could be the key that sets you apart from the rest. Holistic nursing offers a bright and promising future especially when you learn the tools of the trade from The Nurse Coach Collective. Within the program, the best nursing coaches will be at your disposal, ready to invite you to the ways of doing things correctly and working with a long-term vision in mind. Here's what holistic nursing at the nurse coach collective is all about:  1. Build a Holistic Nursing Setup Individuals who intend on pursuing holistic nursing need to have the proper…
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A 5D Perspective Of Energy; This Is What You Have Been Missing Out

A 5D Perspective Of Energy; This Is What You Have Been Missing Out

When you go to the store you’ll find a multitude of supplements that claim to boost energy. Some of us consume energy drinks and foods to enhance our energy levels to face the challenges of the day. But what if there’s a better, enduring way to keep your energy revived? We had the opportunity to speak to Livia Devi to discover her revolutionary 5D perspective of energy that most people are missing out on.  Livia Devi  Livia Devi is a new earth leader, 5D mentor, and entrepreneur who is on a mission to share the teachings that she receives from the Arcturian Council of Light. Assisted by her guides, Livia’s teachings have empowered and transformed the lives of thousands by helping them break the paradigm of regular life by going…
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The Healing Of Your Mind, Body & Spirit Is The Way To True Health; Find More From Dr. Sas

The Healing Of Your Mind, Body & Spirit Is The Way To True Health; Find More From Dr. Sas

You’ve probably heard folks talk about the mind-body-spirit connection. Many people are unsure what it means, but it simply refers to mental, physical, and emotional/spiritual well-being. You’ve probably noticed that you start to show physical signs when something bothers you psychologically or emotionally. Your heart starts to race; you begin to sweat more than usual, you have trouble sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about the problem - and you begin to feel tired and lethargic. This occurs when the mind, body, and soul are out of sync. However, when your mind is at ease, and you are not troubled from within, then you will be physically relaxed, happier, friendlier, and thankful.  Science And Traditional Ways Traditional medicine frequently treats illnesses, substance abuse, and mental issues primarily from a physical…
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Mindless Behaviors: Break Through Unseen Barriers by Beatrice Adenodi: an author’s portrait

Mindless Behaviors: Break Through Unseen Barriers by Beatrice Adenodi: an author’s portrait

Entertainment, Health
It’s no secret that every author pours some part of themselves in their works. Right from the introduction of her first book Mindless Behaviors, Beatrice Adenodi explains that this book was born from her own self-reflective journey. Let’s learn more about the author through what she shares in the book. Identity One important element of this book is identity: it is naturally at the heart of our human experience. Beatrice Adenodi is a first-generation Nigerian-American immigrant, one part of her identity that had considerable influence on her journey. She doesn’t go into details about her origins and family and how it shaped her own person throughout her life, but she does share one important event. In the last part of the book, she explains the tragedy that she experienced during…
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