The BookFest Fall 2022 Books And Prizes

The BookFest Fall 2022 Books And Prizes

Entertainment, Family, Mom Life
The air is getting crisper, Halloween costumes are in the shops, and spooky books are back in the hands of book lovers everywhere. Yep, fall is upon us; but what is the best way to celebrate? How about joining The BookFest Fall 2022? The online events starts on October 22nd. What is The BookFest? It is an event where book lovers can virtually join in book discussions with several keynotes, panel discussions, conversations, segments, and giveaways. Day one of The BookFest Fall 2022 is devoted to readers, while day two content is for writers. Both are action packed and fun for everyone. This seasons The BookFest Fall 2022 will be spooky, fun, but most of all packed with prizes. It is an event you don't want to miss. You can…
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Derecho al olvido

In the event that the court disagree with his conclusion that Google was not a data controller, the Advocate General address the third question, the right to be forgot . It held that the right to freedom of information and expression take precedence over any such right to deletion, and urge the court not to allow such conflict to be resolve on a case-by-case basis, as this would likely lead to automatic de-linking. objectionable content or an uncontrollable volume of request operate by the most popular and important Internet search engine service provider. " Also read: derecho al olvido Court decision The Court of Justice of the European Union decided that the operator of the Internet search engine is responsible for the processing that it carries out for the processing of personal data appearing on…
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Mindless Behaviors: Break Through Unseen Barriers by Beatrice Adenodi: an author’s portrait

Mindless Behaviors: Break Through Unseen Barriers by Beatrice Adenodi: an author’s portrait

Entertainment, Health
It’s no secret that every author pours some part of themselves in their works. Right from the introduction of her first book Mindless Behaviors, Beatrice Adenodi explains that this book was born from her own self-reflective journey. Let’s learn more about the author through what she shares in the book. Identity One important element of this book is identity: it is naturally at the heart of our human experience. Beatrice Adenodi is a first-generation Nigerian-American immigrant, one part of her identity that had considerable influence on her journey. She doesn’t go into details about her origins and family and how it shaped her own person throughout her life, but she does share one important event. In the last part of the book, she explains the tragedy that she experienced during…
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Save the Planet, Think Out of the Box

Save the Planet, Think Out of the Box

Best-selling author and children physiotherapist Lucia Matuonto is back again with another children's book titled Out of the Box: A New World. As a children's physiotherapist, Matuonto is known for creating suitable stories for young readers. Her books incorporate values and concepts younger readers will find helpful and relevant. Out of the Box: A New World tells the story of a 13-year-old boy named Noah. Noah, along with his parents, sister Mila, and dog Buster, currently resides in a polluted place called Gray Town. After accidentally stumbling upon Green City one day, Noah learns that there's much a better way of living than the one they currently have in Grey Town. Green City is the total opposite of Gray Town and resembles a greener place full of trees and clean air. Thanks to…
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Once a Princess, Always a Princess

Once a Princess, Always a Princess

Entertainment, Love
“I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren’t pretty, or smart, or young. They’re still princesses.” – Frances Hodgson Burnett. We often see princes and princesses in various forms of media around us; they can be seen in books, movies, television, and even talked about in the news. Usually, princes and princesses are associated with the concept of royalty, power, and elegance. As we have seen in typical Disney movies, princesses are beautiful, kind, brave, and free-spirited. There are already a lot of princesses out there, but certain qualities make each princess different from the other. Aside from beauty and grace, indeed, there is more to it than just beautiful dresses and gowns. Clyve…
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Laurel Anne Hill’s Plague of Flies: Revolt of the Spirits, 1846 Is Here

If you haven’t heard, Laurel Anne Hill’s new book Plague of Flies: Revolt of the Spirits, 1846 is finally here! Many readers who read her previous book back in 2017, The Engine Woman's Light which won over thirteen honors and awards have since been itching to get their hands on another adventure from Laurel Anne Hill. In The Engine Woman's Light, we met fifteen year old Juanita who had a mystical vision and set out to sabotage the railroad that took innocent victims to a murderous asylum. Plague of Flies: Revolt of the Spirits, 1846 takes a turn as we adventure with a new protagonist, Catalina Delgado, the heroine of this historical fantasy that takes place in Alta, California. Life as Catalina Delgado Knows It Is about to Make a…
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