What You Need To Know When Taking Your First Life Insurance Health Exam

What You Need To Know When Taking Your First Life Insurance Health Exam

If you need a life insurance policy, and this is your first time ever exploring your options, you might be a bit surprised to learn that many insurance providers will want you to take a two-part health examination prior to extending coverage to you. This is called a life insurance health exam (or life insurance medical exam), and its purpose is to allow you life insurance to learn more about your medical history and picture of your current state of health. This, in turn, allows them to decide whether or not they will accept your insurance policy application, and, if they do, what your annual premium will be. Here’s what you need to know about both the exam and what insurers are looking for. Why Do You Need To Take…
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Transforming Health With Life Extension: 3 Essential Supplements For Women

Integrating proper vitamins and supplements into your life can be a total game changer for your health and wellness. Most of American adults are not eating enough whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which are chock-full of vital nutrients.  On the flip side, most American adults are eating too much refined grains, added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. What this all equates to is the fact that many people could benefit from taking some vitamins or mineral supplements. For women, there are specifically-designed supplements to help transform your health. If you’re not sure where to start, you can check out these three supplements by Life Extension. Life Extension, Advanced Natural Sex for Women 50+ If you’re looking to jump start your sex life, Advanced Natural Sex for Women 50+ could be…
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Hidden injuries to watch out for after a car accident

Hidden injuries to watch out for after a car accident

Broken bones, whiplash, and lacerations are all easily identifiable injuries after an auto accident. However, drivers and passengers alike can also suffer a host of unseen complications that may not surface for days or weeks. Here are five hidden injuries to watch out for after being involved in a car accident.  1. Herniated Discs Neck and back strains are common and often the cause of whiplash, but they can be more serious than the pain felt from strained muscles. The force of two vehicles colliding can be enough to rupture the tissue between your spine’s vertebrae.  The tissue will balloon outward from the spinal column, eventually breaking. This puts pressure on the nerves, causing severe pain, and can lead to a loss of feeling in the limbs. A herniated disc…
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8 Keys to Living a Truly Awesome and Fabulous Life

8 Keys to Living a Truly Awesome and Fabulous Life

Arts, Beauty, Champagne, Culture, Entertainment, Environment, Food, Health, Luxury, Style, Travel
I live a truly awesome and fabulous life, and I’m not saying this to brag. I’m saying it because there is no reason you shouldn’t be doing the same. They say that turning something into a habit takes more than 30-days of repetition. You have to do the same things over and over that contribute to you having an amazing life. It really doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. Figure out what works. Do it over and over. Rinse and repeat. There are eight things that I do all the time that I believe are a major reason why I live a life that I love so much. They are in no specific order. Maybe something will grab your attention. Give it a shot. What’s the worst that…
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How I Cleanse Myself of Negative Thoughts and Depression

How I Cleanse Myself of Negative Thoughts and Depression

Life sure isn't easy. Not for anyone, no matter how great it may appear to be from the outside looking in. We all have problems, situations, and even demons. And you know what? There is nothing wrong with that. It's something that is part of life. It's how you deal with those things that shapes who you are as a person and what path your life travels down. The thing is, no matter what cards we are dealt, we still have full control over how we react. I wanted to blog what I do to handle negativity and how I remain positive and thinking clearly, even when faced with life's challenges. Yoga There are a lot of reasons why I do yoga, and its mental health benefits are one of…
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