Having to deal with alcoholism within a relationship can be a harrowing experience. The stress and arguments are enough on their own, but as many who have dealt with alcoholics, and even experts like Boulder felony DUI lawyer Moorhead Law can attest — the repeated run-ins with the law can make marriage to an alcoholic that much more trying.
Unfortunately, that strain doesn’t simply go away after divorce, and there’s often more hurdles to surmount both during and after your split from an alcoholic partner. If you’re preparing to divorce a spouse and alcoholism has played a significant role in your relationship, here are a few things that you might expect moving forward.
There’s A Continuous Burden
Both during and after your separation, you’ll notice that your spouse’s addiction will still continue to rear its ugly head. Experts like Strange Law Firm, a divorce lawyer in Tulsa, note that the effects of alcoholism can ripple through the divorce process, especially where safety is concerned. If your spouse’s alcoholism fueled abusive behavior, for instance, that may intensify both during and after divorce before they finally seek help.
Because of that, it’s important to keep yourself (and your children, if you have them) safe from the far-reaching effects of an alcoholic partner. Physically, that means having a safety plan and maintaining distance from your spouse (perhaps even staying with friends or family if need be). You’ll need to protect yourself emotionally as well, though, as the heightened stress of dealing with their erratic behavior can take its toll on your health.
Establishing A Routine Can Help
Though both the divorce process and post-divorce life can seem overwhelming if you were with an alcoholic, you can (and should) reclaim a measure of stability by establishing your own healthy routines. These might include working with a therapist who can support you and listen to your concerns, engaging in hobbies that bring you joy, spending time with friends, and maybe even joining support groups for others in similar situations.
In addition to this, it’s also beneficial to learn more about alcoholism itself, how it is affecting your (ex) partner, and how, by extension, it may be affecting you. Finally, you’ll want to make sure that you start modifying your thoughts and behavior to help aid your peace of mind during what is, undoubtedly, a trying time for you and your family.