Stadio Global, Disrupting The Crypto Space With Interoperable Cross Chain “EnableTech” for Utility Backed NFTs
NFTs are ever-expanding and evolving. At the time of writing, the Open Sea marketplace, the largest in the NFT space, has over 3.5 billion worth of Ethereum-based NFT trades processed in one month alone. Not all NFT assets appreciate in the NFT universe. Yet, since the NFT space is continuously innovating, the onset of NFTs with utility is likely to boost more value for the NFTs. We had the opportunity to talk to Stadio's owner Martin Lazaveric to learn how his company is disrupting the crypto space with interoperable cross-chain "Enable Tech" for utility-backed NFTs. About Stadio The recently launched Stadio Global is a company that operates in the crypto and web three-space. The company has built a decentralized environment with enabling tech where B2B, brands, and other creators can…